Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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Gain-of-function researchers involved in possible Chinese military bioweapons research were among first infected by COVID-19: Report

The Chinese scientists conducting dangerous gain-of-function experiments on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were the first humans infected by COVID-19, according to a new report published on the Substack Public.

This revelation — coupled with the Sunday Times’ explosive report suggesting researchers at the WIV were involved in military bioweapons research at the time of the leak — serves to further quash the zoonotic origin theory peddled by Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Peter Daszak, and others with links to the lab, as well as by so-called Western scientists eager to adopt Beijing’s wet-market origins narrative.

Investigative journalists Michael Shellenberg, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag learned from multiple U.S. government officials, with one admitting “100%” certainty, that the “patients zero” who got infected in November 2019 included Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu.

While all three “patients zero” were WIV researchers, Ben Hu’s primary infection is all the more damning given that he ran lead on the institute’s gain-of-function research on SARS-like coronaviruses — research intended to make viruses more infectious.

According to Alina Chan, molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, “Ben Hu is essentially the next Shi Zhengli. … He was her star pupil. He had been making chimeric SARS-like viruses and testing these in humanized mice. If I had to guess who would be doing this risky virus research and most at risk of getting accidentally infected, it would be him.”

Zhengli, the so-called “Bat Woman” referenced by Chan, was the top coronavirus researcher at the lab, who years prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 worked with University of North Carolina epidemiologist Ralph Baric to create a novel infectious pathogen by way of gain-of-function research that could infect human cells.

Zhengli and Baric manufactured a “chimeric virus” by placing the “spike of bat coronavirus SHC014” into the molecular structure of the SARS virus, which could replicate in human airway cells and possibly be transmitted to humans.

Hu similarly meddled with COVID-19’s apparent forerunners, co-authoring a 2017 paper on chimeric bat coronaviruses with the head of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, who had used American grant money for such dangerous research at the WIV. After his investment went south in a big way, Daszak would go on to champion Fauci’s efforts to downplay the lab-leak theory.

Hu and fellow patient zero Yu Ping co-authored a paper with Zhengli in 2019 detailing the SARS-like lineages they studied over the years along with “insights on the bat origin of human SARS.”

Here is a video showing Hu alongside a lab worker handling specimens where neither are wearing protective gear:


Jamie Metzl, a former member of the World Health Organization expert advisory committee on human genome editing, told Public, “It’s a game changer if it can be proven that Hu got sick with COVID-19 before anyone else. That would be the ‘smoking gun.’ Hu was the lead hands-on researcher in Shi’s lab.”

Public noted it is presently unclear how long the U.S. government has known about the WIV workers who first got sick wth COVID-19 or why it neglected to let the American people know that the virus that upended their lives was likely not the result of a zoonotic infection, but almost certainly an error made by an adversary bent on developing a weapon of mass destruction.

Chan told Public, “You would expect the country of origin to be defensive … but you wouldn’t expect a country receiving the virus to be withholding key evidence.”

TheBlaze recently reported on newly reiterated claims that China was engineering mutant coronaviruses for malicious purposes at the WIV, including using the new virus as a bioweapon while developing a vaccine to protect its citizens, prior to the onset of the pandemic.

American investigators with the U.S. State Department told the Sunday Times that the lab wherein Hu, Ping, and Zhu took ill was where a People’s Liberation Army-backed bioweapons program was under way, making mineshaft viruses more infectious to humans.

“It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation, and cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said one investigator.

Dr. Steven Quay, a scientist who advised the State Department on its investigation, suggested that COVID-19, which killed over 1.1 million Americans, was created by inserting a furin cleavage site into one of the mine viruses and then serial passaging it through humanized mice, reported the Times.

Shellenberg noted on Twitter Tuesday that when the WIV “put out their first paper about the pandemic virus, they failed to point out the novel furin cleavage site despite having had plans to and allegedly putting such gain-of-function features into SARS-like viruses in their lab.”

Chan said, “It’s as if these scientists proposed putting horns on horses, but when a unicorn shows up in their city a year later they write a paper describing every part of it except its horn.”

The mounting evidence of a lab leak and malicious intent paints China’s resultant cover-up in a new light.

Chinese authorities delayed warning the world about the emergence of the deadly disease, going to great lengths to silence doctors like the late Lie Wenliang, who had tried to raise the alarm.

While Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu reportedly got sick with COVID-19 in November 2019, communist officials waited until Dec. 31 to alert the World Health Organization, then claimed, “The disease is preventable and controllable.”

A Five Eyes intelligence dossier accused the CCP in May 2020 of engaging in an “assault on international transparency” to the “endangerment of other countries,” reported the New York Post.

The intelligence dossier indicated that the genocidal Chinese regime had scrambled to bury evidence of the virus and its origins, “destroying” lab samples, censoring evidence of spread, and denying sample requests from other countries.

British conservative politician Bob Seely said in response, “At the end of this when the dust settles, it is also clear that there has to be a re-evaluation by the West of its relationship with China.”

The Department of Homeland Security intelligence service indicated in early 2020 that the CCP simultaneously covered up the outbreak while hoarding critical medical supplies and cutting other countries off from items believed necessary to tackle the virus, TheBlaze previously reported.

“We assess the Chinese Government intentionally concealed the severity of COVID-19 from the International community in early January while it stockpiled medical supplies by both increasing imports and decreasing exports,” said the May 1 DHS report.

The CCP also locked down domestic travel internally while knowingly allowing infected Chinese citizens to travel internationally.

The New York Times revealed that while Chinese officials began locking down Hubei province, home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the alleged patients zero, they nevertheless continued to permit international travel ahead of the Lunar New Year, when hundreds of millions of people were expected to travel back to their hometowns.

About 175,000 people left Wuhan on Jan. 1 alone.

Seven million people left Wuhan in January before travel was restricted, thousands of whom, the Times indicated, were infected. Thousands successfully made it to cities around the world; 900 reportedly made it to New York; 2,200 to Sydney, Australia; and tens of thousands more to various other cities.

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Wuhan lab engineered dangerous mutant coronaviruses, worked with Chinese military to develop bioweapons and pre-pandemic COVID vaccines, according to eye-opening report

Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China were intentionally merging dangerous coronaviruses to create new mutant viruses just before the COVID-19 pandemic began, according to a new report. At the same time, the Chinese military was pursuing biological weapons while also funding researchers at the Wuhan lab, investigators reportedly said.

The Sunday Times published an eye-opening report that accuses China of engineering mutant coronaviruses for malicious purposes, including using the new virus as a bioweapon while developing a vaccine to protect their citizens.

“As the world emerged from lockdown, U.S. State Department investigators were given access to secret intelligence on what had been happening in China in the months and years before COVID emerged,” the report read. “More than a dozen investigators were given unparalleled access to ‘metadata, phone information and internet information’ from intercepts collected by the U.S. intelligence services.”

The Sunday Times spoke with three members of the investigative team, which determined: “Wuhan scientists were conducting experiments on RaTG13 from the Moijang mine, and that covert military research, including laboratory animal experiments, was being done at the institute before the pandemic.”

The source claimed that scientists at the Wuhan lab were working on nine different COVID variants.

In 2012, six men clearing an abandoned copper mine in the Mojiang region of south China were infected with a mystery illness, that had symptoms of fever, coughs, and pneumonia. Three of the men required treatment at a hospital and later died. The men did not test positive for any known illnesses, but did have antibodies for an unknown coronavirus.

The cave in Mojiang had a large bat colony, and the cave was littered with guano – bat feces.

A virus was recovered from the cave in the remote mountains of Yunnan province in southern China. The discovery was made by the team led by Dr. Shi Zhengli – a top Chinese researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who was known as China’s “bat woman.”

Around 2018, the Wuhan Institute of Virology reportedly began combining SARS-like viruses with the cave virus labeled as “WIV1,” using the Wuhan lab’s initials. Rutgers University Professor of Chemical Biology Richard Ebright described the project as the most dangerous coronavirus experiment ever undertaken.

The combination of viruses killed 75% of the albino mice with human-like lungs that were infected with – three times as lethal as the original WIV1.

The Sunday Times stated, “The scientists had created a highly infectious super-coronavirus with a terrifying kill-rate that in all probability would never have emerged in nature. The new genetically modified virus was not COVID-19 but it might have been even more deadly if it had leaked.”

The gain-of-function experiment was partially funded by EcoHealth Alliance’s grant money. However, documents obtained by the Freedom of Information Act show that the deaths of the infected mice were not mentioned in an April 2018 progress report to the NIH by EcoHealth Alliance’s president Peter Daszak.

Daszak reportedly applied for more funding, and asked for $14 million over three years from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. However, DARPA rejected the application to fund the research.

“The application, entitled Defuse — which names Daszak, Shi and Baric — proposed the Wuhan laboratory find large numbers of new SARS viruses and mix some of them with their two deadly strains from the Shitou cave — WIV1 and SHC014 — to see what would happen,” the Sunday Times said.

In November 2019, several researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology purportedly got sick and were taken to a hospital with symptoms similar to COVID. A relative of one of the laboratory workers allegedly died from the same mystery illness.

“We were rock-solid confident that this was likely COVID-19 because they were working on advanced coronavirus research in the laboratory,” an investigator said. “They’re trained biologists in their thirties and forties. Thirty-five-year-old scientists don’t get very sick with influenza.”

At the time of the outbreak, which was a month before the West was made aware of the mystery virus, researchers at the Wuhan lab were conducting dangerous experiments, according to the Sunday Times, citing two U.S. researchers who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The investigators also saw evidence that the institute was conducting “serial passaging” experiments on at least one of the mine viruses. This is a process in which lab animals are infected with viruses and monitored to see which strain is harmful to their health. The most damaging strain is selected for repeat experiments to encourage the pathogens to mutate into something more deadly. The investigators spoke to a Wuhan institute insider who alleged serial passaging experiments were being carried out on RaTG13. “Humanized mice with the serial passaging is a toxic combination,” said a source. “It speeds up the natural mutation process. So instead of taking years to mutate, it can take weeks or months. It guarantees that you accelerate the natural process.”

Dr. Steven Quay, a U.S. scientist who advised the State Department on its investigation, said, “There has never been an example of a bat virus directly infecting humans and killing.”

Quay believes COVID-19 was created by inserting a furin cleavage site into one of the mine viruses and then serial passaging it through humanized mice. He submitted a statement to the U.S. Senate explaining the process. “You infect the mice, wait a week or so, and then recover the virus from the sickest mice. Then you repeat. In a matter of weeks this directed evolution will produce a virus that can kill every humanized mouse.” This explains why from the beginning of the outbreak, he says, the pandemic virus was so remarkably well adapted to infect humans.

The Sunday Times noted that there is no published information about the experiments because it was a top-secret program funded by the Chinese military. U.S. State Department investigators determined that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had conducted experiments on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.

The report stated, “The investigators believe the Chinese military had taken an interest in developing a vaccine for the viruses so they could be used as potential bioweapons. If a country could inoculate its population against its own secret virus, it might have a weapon to shift the balance of world power.”

A U.S. investigator told the British outlet, “My view is that the reason Mojiang was covered up was due to military secrecy related to [the army’s] pursuit of dual use capabilities in virological biological weapons and vaccines.”

The Sunday Times reported:

The PLA had its own vaccine specialist, Zhou Yusen, a decorated military scientist at the academy, who had collaborated with the Wuhan scientists on a study of the MERS coronavirus and was working with them at the time of the outbreak. Suspicion fell on him after the pandemic because he produced a patent for a COVID vaccine with remarkable speed in February 2020, little more than a month after the outbreak of the virus had first been admitted to the world by China. A report published in April, co-authored by Dr Robert Kadlec, who was responsible for the U.S.’s vaccine development program, concluded that Zhou’s team must have been working on a vaccine no later than November 2019 — just as the pandemic began.

Zhou died in May 2020, at age 54.

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North Miami Beach Democrat mayor arrested, charged with 3 counts of felony voter fraud, faces 15 years in prison

The mayor of North Beach Miami in Florida – a Democrat – is facing 15 years in prison after being arrested and charged with voter fraud.

Miami Beach Mayor Anthony DeFillipo was arrested on Wednesday. He has been charged with three felony counts of voter fraud. The charges are third-degree felonies, which each count is punishable with up to five years in prison.

Six months before his arrest, a complaint was filed with the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust alleging DeFillipo lived in the town of Davie in Broward County. The North Miami Beach city charter requires elected officials to reside in the city.

DeFillipo admitted that he owns a property in Davie, but said it was for his family to live in because he was experiencing marital issues at the time. He insisted that he lives at his property in North Miami Beach. Records show that DeFillipo owns two properties in Davie, which he admitted.

DeFillipo and his wife purchased a six-bedroom home in the Sierra Ranches community in Davie for $1,226,500 in July 2022, according to Broward County property records. He acknowledged that he serves on the homeowners association board for the Davie community.

An investigation into DeFillipo allegedly revealed that the Democrat mayor relocated to his residence in Davie.

Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle accused DeFillipo of driving from Davie to North Miami Beach to cast his vote in three different elections in August, October, and November 2022. Rundle said her office utilized cell phone data to determine that DeFillipo traveled from his property in Davie to vote in a precinct in North Miami Beach, and then returned to his home in Davie.

“We believe the evidence shows (DeFillipo) voted illegally three times,” Rundle declared.

Rundle said, “Our voting laws apply to everyone. There are no unwritten exceptions.”

DeFillipo has denied the allegations of voter fraud.

DeFillipo’s attorney, Michael Pizzi, said his client’s arrest is politically motivated.

“The mayor has explained over and over again, and under oath, he always intended to and always lived in North Miami Beach,” Pizzi said. “We look forward to a speedy exoneration.”

The Miami Herald reported, “A registered Democrat, DeFillipo, 51, served on the city commission for five years before becoming mayor in 2018. A licensed real estate broker, DeFillipo is CEO of TD Managing Enterprise.”

DeFillipo is reportedly the third North Miami Beach mayor to be arrested in 11 years.

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North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony DeFillipo arrested over ‘voting irregularities’

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Over 300 COVID-related medical papers retracted due to scientific errors, compromised ethical standards

More than 300 COVID-related medical articles have been retracted or withdrawn from various research journals since 2020, often due to scientific errors and compromised ethical standards, according to watchdog group Retraction Watch.

The watchdog group has been keeping a running list of COVID-related medical papers that research journals have retracted. As of Wednesday, the database contains 330 withdrawn articles ranging from “Acute kidney injury and collapsing glomerulopathy associated with COVID-19 and APOL1 high risk genotype” to “Can Your AI Differentiate Cats from COVID-19?”

Many retracted papers were published in smaller research journals, though some were featured in highly influential publications such as the Lancet and Science.

Gunnveig Grødeland, a senior researcher at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo, told Khrono, a Norwegian newspaper, that some research journals compromised ethical standards to approve more COVID-related publications or take ethics shortcuts.

Grødeland, who reviewed Retraction Watch’s list, noted that the papers had been withdrawn for a number of different reasons. Some of the retracted articles were preprints, which are often updated or published elsewhere, Grødeland explained.

Preprints are rarely retracted by the journal for containing flawed data because “the server made no claim to have peer-reviewed and certified the scientific content in the first place,” Retraction Watch stated. However, preprints will be removed “in instances of fraud, ethics violations, dangerous material, or legal issues.”

Grødeland said that many of the retracted papers were found to be in violation of ethical guidelines.

“It will, of course, be withdrawn when it is found that ethical guidelines have been breached,” she stated.

One of those retracted medical papers included “Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19,” published in the Lancet and withdrawn after two weeks. The paper claimed that hydroxychloroquine increased the risk of death from COVID.

A paper published in Science that investigated the spread of the Omicron variant in South Africa was retracted after social media users noted that some of the samples used in the study could have been false positives.

An investigation conducted by Australia’s Monash University found that 270,000 COVID-related papers had been published since 2020, the institute reported in October 2022. Furthermore, the study uncovered that even papers that had been retracted were still being cited.

For example, after investigating 212 withdrawn articles, the university discovered that the retracted papers were cited 2,697 times. Of those citations, 90% failed to mention that the paper had been withdrawn and 80% were published after the retraction.

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181 ‘disease detectives’ tested positive for COVID after attending large CDC conference

The tally of attendees at a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conference who tested positive for COVID after the event has risen to 181, the CDC said in a statement Friday.

“This outbreak dramatically illustrates that if the circumstances are right, this virus can really spread to a lot of people,” infectious disease doctor William Schaffner told the Washington Post.

Schaffner added that a colleague of his, like many others, had a “mild illness” but was “quite discomforted for several days.”

The conference, held in April at a hotel in Atlanta, was for Epidemic Intelligence Service officers and alumni, according to the Washington Post. EIS personnel are sometimes called “disease detectives” and are charged with identifying and fighting outbreaks.

A rapid assessment team conducted a survey of 1,443 conference attendees from May 5-10. Among those who responded to the survey, 70% were not wearing masks; nearly all had received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, and none were hospitalized.

Among those who tested positive, 52% reported no known prior COVID infection, and 27% received antiviral medications.

The conference was held during a period of low COVID community levels, and masking was not recommended at the time, according to the CDC’s own guidance.

The study results showed the longer participants were at the conference and the larger the number of events in which attendees participated, the greater the likelihood they would test positive.

The CDC says several attendees notified conference organizers on the last day of the event that they had tested positive for the virus. EIS leaders reportedly made an announcement about the potential cases “and took action to reduce further spread connected with the conference and related events.”

The CDC worked with the Georgia Department of Health to “learn more about transmission that occurred and add to our understanding as we transition to the next phase of COVID-19 surveillance and response.”

The CDC says the results of its survey demonstrate the effectiveness of immunity from previous infection, antiviral treatments, and vaccines.

Another CDC global health meeting of 300-400 people is scheduled for the same Atlanta venue in June, the Washington Post reported, citing a CDC employee who spoke on condition of anonymity.

June conference attendees were advised to wear high-quality masks and carry COVID rapid tests with them, according to a “Know Before You Go” document acquired by the outlet.

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