Prigozhin’s life and death exposed the rot in the Russian state
Prigozhin’s life and death exposed the rot in the Russian state Al Jazeera English
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Ukraine-related conspiracies including Russia’s claim that U.S. government-supported biowarfare laboratories in Ukraine are developing biological weapons. (Wikipedia)
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The post Nation-States as “Business Models”: Ukraine as Another Neoliberal Privatization Exercise appeared first on Global Research.
Read MoreVia RT Washington is angling for open conflict for political reasons, the former Fox News host has said Tucker Carlson interviewed by Adam Carolla, August 30, 2023. © YouTube / Adam Carolla The US proxy war against Russia is likely to become an open war within the next year, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson … Continue reading “US headed for ‘hot war’ with Russia – Tucker Carlson”
Read MoreVia ZeroHedge During Tucker Carlson’s recent visit to Budapest, where he gave a speech apologizing for the “disgusting” behavior of the US Ambassador to Hungary, the former Fox News anchor sat down with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Orbán – Hungary’s longest-serving prime minister – knows a thing or two about Russia (having grown up … Continue reading ““A Very Dangerous Moment” – Hungary’s Orbán Warns Tucker “A 3rd World War Is Knocking On The Door””
Read MoreNeo-cons are afraid this will ruin their narrative of Putin being a deranged psychopath who must be stopped, not matter what it costs. If Tucker interviews Putin, the world will see a serious minded, intelligent, well spoken leader of a nuclear power, who had legitimate reasons for invading the Ukraine to protect the Russian speaking … Continue reading “NEO-CONS WILL GO BAT SHIT CRAZY”
Read MoreAymani Kadyrova is involved in illegally transferring children from Ukraine to a camp near Grozny, Chechnya, for “re-education.”
I’m rather amused by the U.S. mainstream media’s response to the widespread accusations that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the assassination of Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. Notice that no one in the U.S. mainstream press is crying “Conspiracy theory!” to mock or ridicule the accusation.
Yet, whenever one points to the U.S. national-security establishment’s assassinations and assassination targets, as with President Kennedy, civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz, Cuban leader Fidel Castro, Chilean Gen. Continue Reading
The post Why No “Conspiracy Theory!” on Prigozhin’s Death? appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.
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